Recognition of world-class level for MMC specialists in Kazakhstan!
"GOLDEN HEPHAESTUS" AWARD -2018 was held within the framework of the 25th World Mining Congress - main event of the industry at a global level.
On June 19, 2018 for the ninth time, the winners of national branch competition "Golden Hephaestus" were awarded.
The organizing committee of the award received hundreds of applications from leading representatives of mining industry, journalists, students and faculty professors. The award was given special importance this year by the international status - the winners of 2018 were honored at the opening ceremony of the 25th World Mining Congress.
It is important to note that award has already become traditional, year after year the prestige of receiving awards among industry representatives grows. This has become possible primarily due to comprehensive support of the Ministry of Investment and Development and main partner of the event - Eurasian Group (ERG).
The winners in MMC sector were selected in 14 nominations. The winners were both specialists and experts, as well as entire companies that applied new approaches in business processes: Professional of the Year (Geologist of the Year, Miner of the Year, Metallurgist of the Year), Project of the Year, Innovative leader of the Year, Leader in Kazakhstan content, Scientist-Teacher of the Year, Diploma work of the year, Media project of the year (The Best journalistic work on MMC in print and Internet resources, The Best journalistic work on MMC on TV, The Best journalistic material on Working Man in MMC (special award)), The best digital-solution in MMC (Special Award from Eurasian Group (ERG)) and The Best Foreign Partner (special nomination within the framework of WMC-2018).
During award ceremony, names of the winners became known.
More than 20 leading representatives of profession were fighting for the title "Geologist of the Year". Lysenko Nikolay Ilich, Chief Geologist of Orel production complex “Vostoktsvetmet” LLP was recognized as the winner. Since 2016, Nikolay Ilich has been successfully implementing the program "DATAMINE" at Orel production complex. The use of this technology allows you to plan mining of ore body with the greatest accuracy and to minimize possible dilution and losses.
The winner in the nomination "Miner of the Year" was Amenov Sayran Sultanovich, Executive Director of "Kazakhmys Corporation" LLP, an expert with almost 30-year experience in mining. Entire technological process of enterprises of entire Kazakhmys corporation is under his control. Sayran Sultanovich, is initiator of reconstruction and improvement of technology for development of mining deposits.
Aydarkhanov Arnur Eleusizovich, Chief Technologist of "Tau-Ken Altyn" LLP, was recognized as "Metallurgist of the Year" for successful implementation of innovative technologies, such as: secondary processing of slags, oxidative smelting using enriched blast and many others.
The owner of the title "Project of the Year" is "Automated Management System for Mining and Transport Complex of Kacharskiy Quarry" the authors of which are employees of Joint Stock Company "Sokolovsko-Sarbayskoye Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise", which is a part of Eurasian Group ERG and the largest Kazakhstan enterprise for extraction and enrichment of iron ore.
The leader in Kazakhstan's content was steel and mining company “Arcelor Mittal Temirtau” JSC.
Innovative leader is "Kostanay Minerals" JSC, a mining enterprise for production of commercial chrysotile-asbestos. Thanks to the use of modern equipment of large unit capacity, with a high level of mechanization and automation of technological processes.
New nomination Best digital solution in MMC (special nomination from the General Partner of Award - "ERG") was especially expected. The winner was the company "Lev Integration" with the project "Digitalization of Kazakhstan's production" Enterprise Management". The essence of the project is innovative solution for building of complex information management systems for activities of multidisciplinary productions / enterprises, taking into account the best world and national practices for automation of large and medium-sized businesses using a wide range of BI analytics. The given project is a complex decision of manufacture automations which allows to organize a uniform information system for management of various aspects of activity of the enterprise and influence on changes in production process reflected in BI analytics of cloud decision in on-line mode.
Those who prepare highly qualified personnel for the industry were also honored within the award - scientist-teacher of the year was professor of Kazakh National Technical University named after K..I Satpayev, doctor of technical sciences - Nurpeisova Marzhan Baysanovna, specialist in the field of education for more than 56 years.
Talented young workers, the future of MMC of the country were not left out in the cold. The winner in the nomination "Diploma work of the year" was: Battalgazy Nurasyl Bekasyluly (student of Nazarbayev University) and his degree work on the topic "Probabilistic placement of aluminum zones in iron deposits"!
Journalism today is of great importance in all spheres of our life and mining and metallurgical sector is not an exception. Some of the most anticipated nominations were dedicated to journalists.
The winner of "Media Project of the Year - The Best Journalistic Work on MMC in Print and Internet Resources" is a journalist, the author of 10 competitive works dedicated to the topic of MMC - Demchenko Marina Antonovna and her work "The Purpose - Fields and Markets".
Award "Media Project of the Year - The Best Journalistic Work on MMC on TV" was taken by Kaliev Magauiya Nazymovich for a television story dedicated to discovery of a new deposit in Kostanay region, which was broadcasted on the national channel "Khabar".
The Best journalistic material on Working Man in MMC, noted as special award – is the article "90 years, 64 years of service, sea of merit, energy and positive of Nikolay Drizhda", dedicated to biography of legendary Kazakh miner, professor, order bearer, labor veteran and honorary citizen of Karaganda region Nikolay Aleksandrovich Drizhda. Author - Turabayeva Zhanna Saparovna.
Special nomination within the framework of World Mining Congress – The Best foreign partner was given to representative of the company “Giessenhaus”, a subsidiary of Euro-Energie-Maschinen GmbH (Germany) for the project on production of alloyed aluminum. Innovation of this project is use of technological equipment, which has no analogues in Kazakhstan. For the first time in Kazakhstan, liquid metal is transported at a distance of more than 20 km. The partner of the project is ERG in the person of enterprise - Kazakhstan electrolysis plant. The products of enterprises are oriented to domestic and foreign markets, have potential to supply to the markets of the CIS and Europe. Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) is one of the world's leading and most diversified companies in the field of extraction and enrichment of natural resources, with fully integrated mining, processing, energy, transportation and marketing operations.
“Golden Hephaestus” Award was established with a purpose to mark best workers of the industry and popularize achievements of Kazakhstan companies in society. MMC is a city-forming industry, which is the basis of industrialization of the country, therefore, the workers of the industry are worthy of all-republican and world recognition thanks to holding of WMC-2018 in the country.
The winners of nominations were awarded with statuettes of “Golden Hephaestus”. Nominations for the media, students and teachers include monetary bonuses. Eurasian Group (ERG) is a general partner of the award for the 9th year already.
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