There are only few days left until the Kazakhstan Mining & Metallurgy Days in Astana

There are only few days left until the Kazakhstan Mining & Metallurgy Days in Astana

On July 4, 2012 in the Palace of Independence in Astana Karim Massimov, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, will open the Kazakhstan Mining & Metallurgy Days that cover several events of international and national importance. The action plan includes the Third Astana Mining & Metallurgy International Congress (АММ-2012), the Third Congress of Mining and Metallurgy Industry Workers, thematic round tables ‘Innovations in the Mining & Metallurgy Complex’ and ‘Human Resources for the Mining & Metallurgy Complex’ and the Golden Hephaestus National Industry Competition.

The governmental delegations from Belarus, China, Turkey, Ukraine will arrive in Astana. 14 extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassadors accredited in Kazakhstan and over 40 diplomats from 21 embassies have confirmed their participation in the event.

Over 1,000 delegates from 18 countries will take part in the АММ-2012 Congress. There are planned over 20 speeches of representatives from Kazakhstan, Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Great Britain, Canada, Russia and Turkey. More than 1,500,000 representatives of the Kazakhstan Mining & Metallurgy Industry, CIS and non-CIS countries will arrive at the AMM 2012 exhibition according to the preliminary telemarketing.

360 delegates will participate in the Congress. Among them there are heads of mining and metallurgy enterprises, trade unions of workers of the mining and metallurgy complex and the coal industry, governmental agencies, development institutions and deputies of the RoK Parliament.

The main organizer of the Kazakhstan Mining & Metallurgy Days is the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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