I-Geo Kazakhstan: Scientific, Geophysical, and Consulting Services for Sustainable Natural Resource Management

I-Geo Kazakhstan will participate in the international congress and exhibition 'ASTANA MINING & METALLURGY', which will take place at the Hilton Astana hotel on June 6th and 7th, 2024

igeo 1I-Geo Kazakhstan is a scientific research and consulting company providing the following services:
• Scientific research in the field of natural resource management

• Geophysical well logging during geological exploration for solid minerals, hydrocarbons, and hydrogeological wells drilling and development for domestic and industrial water supply

• Geological exploration for solid minerals and underground waters

• Consulting services in the field of subsoil use, including comprehensive support for licensing and contract extensions for solid minerals

• Expertise in industrial safety of hazardous facilities

• Environmental design and regulation for category one facilities

• Laboratory analysis of sample quality composition, physical-mechanical properties of rocks and ores. Coal standardization and certification throughout Kazakhstan


Licenses, certificates, and accreditation

  • Accreditation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a subject of scientific and (or) scientific-technical activity, granting the right to perform scientific projects of subsoil users in terms of obligations for R&D
  •  Certificate for conducting industrial safety works: industrial safety expertise; training, retraining of specialists, workers in the field of industrial safety
  • License for exploration activities, 1 class: engineering-geological and engineering-hydrogeological works engineering, geodetic works
  • License for performing works and providing services in the field of environmental protection, environmental design, regulation for category 1 economic and other activities
  • License for handling radioactive substances, devices, and installations containing radioactive substances
  • License for the transportation, including transit, of nuclear materials, radioactive substances, radioisotope sources of ionizing radiation, radioactive waste within the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Scientific research

  • Conducting various scientific research and design work for subsoil users in terms of licensing and contractual obligations for R&D financing at the rate of 1% of the previous year's expenses. R&D performed by us will be credited towards fulfillment, as we are a subject of scientific activity of the Republic of Kazakhstan. We will help adapt your tasks to R&D conditions at the planning stage of work. The staff of our company's scientific researchers consists of:
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences
  • five PhDs in Mining and Geology
  • Master of Business Administration in the development of mining enterprises With our material and technical base, we can perform exclusive research in the field of open-pit and underground mining, geomechanics, design, coal seam degassing, etc.

igeo 2

Geophysical well logging:

The methods we offer include: • apparent resistivity (AR); • self-potential (SP); • induced polarization (IP); • induction logging (IL); • electrode potentials (MEP); • sliding contacts (SC); • lateral current logging (LCL); • magnetic susceptibility logging (MSL); • gamma logging (GL); • gamma-gamma density logging (2GGL-D); • cavernometry; • inclinometry (electrical/gyroscopic); • thermometry; • bidirectional flowmetering; • acoustic well telemetry (acoustic televiewer with GL ABI40GR-2G). Device diameters range from 36 to 50 mm. Research depth up to 1,500 meters.

Geological exploration works:

• Core drilling, RC drilling, and geological supervision of exploration and prospecting drilling works • Compilation of reports on conducted geological exploration works in accordance with the KAZRC Code • Drilling of wells for extraction of groundwater for drinking and technical water supply for enterprises and private individuals with complete documentation. Evaluation of groundwater reserves.

Consulting services in the field of subsoil use:

• Consultations on subsoil use issues. • Comprehensive support for the Client to obtain a License for exploration and extraction of minerals, hydrocarbons, and groundwater. • Coordination of project documents with State authorities. • Development of Exploration Plans. • Development of Mining Plans. • Development of Liquidation Plans. • Development and coordination of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) sections. • Obtaining permission for mineral extraction and/or soil movement. Conducting the procedure for the return of the entire or part of the licensed/contractual territory. • Preparation of necessary documents in accordance with the Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (conclusion of public/private servitudes, land deed issuance during extraction). • Transition from a contractual to a licensing subsoil use regime. Making changes and additions to subsoil use contracts. • Preparation of applications for subsoil use rights alienation. Establishment of retention status for mineral extraction areas. Transformation of licensed territory (annexation, allocation). • Liquidation support - consequences of exploration operations, including development and coordination of land reclamation projects according to Land Legislation, with the approval and receipt of positive expert opinions from relevant government authorities. • Obtaining permission for special water use.

You can personally meet with company representatives on June 6-7 at the event venue. Plan your visit now!

Register using the promo code AMM2024ATP on the website.

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