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Astana Mining & Metallurgy 2024

Mark your calendars for tomorrow, June 6th, as the doors open to exhibition Astana Mining & Metallurgy 2024!

Over the course of two days, you'll have the opportunity to connect with leading figures in the mining and metallurgy industry and witness cutting-edge technological and innovative solutions from both Kazakhstani and international companies.

We will start in:

Exhibition opening

ATTENTION! To get а free ticket, please register:


Get your ticket now and be sure to invite your colleagues and partners!
Share the AMM24VISIT promo code

*An unlimited number of tickets can be registered with one promo code

Open hours:
June 6, 7 from 10:00 to 18:00

Geidar Aliyev str. 14, "Hilton Astana" Hotel, Astana, Kazakhstan

Invite partners on social networks:
Instagram post
Instagram Stories

The exhibition visitor badge provides access to the following areas and sessions:

• AMM Exhibition

• Amphitheater Area

• V Coal Forum

• Geology Forum

• V Forum of Kazakhstan Gold Producers

• Demo day

Personnel for Mining and Metallurgy sector

If you are interested in full access to the business program, you need to purchase a delegate pass

See you at Astana Mining & Metallurgy 2024!
Regards, exhibition team | Tel. +7 (727) 258 34 34

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